In order to ensure that your programme demonstrates exceptional quality at every level, we offer comprehensive mobile testing solutions.
Our QA team performs mobile testing on your app to ensure that it complies with all of its functional requirements, from the user interface to the mobile backend.
We thoroughly test performance on both the client- and server-sides, looking for any weak points and bottlenecks in the system resources that could effect memory utilisation, load resilience, and stability.
We evaluate how well the programme works with various network configurations, connection velocities, and quality levels, including interrupted and slow connections.
When other mobile apps and system events (such as incoming calls, charging, turning on/off Bluetooth, etc.) interrupt your app, we analyse how it responds.
In order to help you create an app that is as pleasurable and engaging for end users as possible, our professionals assist you detect usability concerns through UX audit and testing.
To guarantee the security of your app and compliance with OWASP Mobile Top 10 and other standards, we conduct comprehensive vulnerability assessments and cybersecurity testing.
✓ Create the requirements and decide who your target
market is
✓ Research particular hardware and software features
✓ Identify market trends
✓ Assemble statistics
✓ Sort devices according to priority
✓ Create a test roadmap